2018 - 2020, FIRST


FIRST, second meeting in Vienna, the project team

FIRST, dinner during first meeting in Bielsko-Biala

FIRST, second meeting in Vienna, the project team

FIRST, 2018 - 2020 

Interfolk was partner in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships: "First-time international project realisers support network" (FIRST), October 2018 - December 2020.  FAIE from Poland was Applicant and coordinator. 

The partnership circle

included five organisations from five EU countries, all active in the field of lifelong learning:

Background and need

One of the barriers in civil society organisations development is the low level of cooperation at the international, European level (for ex. In Poland only 9% of the NGOs is involved in such a cooperation).

European cooperation brings innovations in the methods of work to better fit the needs and expectations of the adult learners. It also brings development of professional skills of the NGO staff – adult non-vocational and non-formal, liberal education professionals.

To achieve this, liberal adult lifelong learning organisations need skilled leaders – international project managers – able to initiate international cooperation and to plan, develop and realise international, European level cooperation projects.

Aim and key activities

The overall aim is to support development and capacity building of the lifelong learning promoters and organizers  in the field of adult liberal education, extending and developing their educators' competences.

A key objectives was to increase the competences of the adult liberal education organisations’ managers and educators  at initiating, developing and realizing international, cooperation projects aiming at enhancing inclusion, diversity, equality and non-discrimination in education and fostering the development of social, civic and intercultural competences.

Target groups

The direct target groups include liberal adult-learning organisations, their members, workers, co-workers, volunteers – educators.


The indirect target groups include: Local, regional, national and European civil society organisations, the learners, learning providers, institutions in the field of learning providing and validating.

More information

Task plan, October 2018 - December 2020 


WP 01: Preparatory & management activities

WP 02: First meeting in Bielsko-Biala, October 2018. FAIE

WP 03: Survey about good practice s supporting international project managers

WP 04: Survey about key competences for international project managers


WP 05: Second meeting in Vienna, April 2019. EDUCULT

WP 06: Providing Support Portal

WP 07: Third meeting in Ancona, September 2019. COOS

WP 08: Develop mentoring and e-mentoring services. 


WP 09: Fourth meeting in Budapest (cancelled due to Covid-19)

WP 10: Pilot courses and Curricula Report

WP 11: Complete five national multiplier events. 

WP 12: Complete online European conference in Krakow, Sept 2020

WP 13: Fifth meeting in Krakow


WP 14: Dissemination

WP 15: Monitoring and evaluation

WP 16: Project management, incl. online meetings

FIRST, art exhibition with Mark Rothko at Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

The `Gate of Violence`, Memorial against war and fascism, Vienna


WP 03: Good practice of international project managers

WP 04: Survey about key competences for international project managers

WP 06: Providing Support Portal

WP 08: Develop mentoring and e-mentoring services

WP 10: Pilot courses and Curricula Report

WP 12: Complete online European conference in Krakow, Sept 2020

Partner meetings

WP 02: First partner meeting in Bielsko-Biala, October 2018. FAIE

  • First meeting in Bielsko-Biala, Agenda
  • First meeting in Bielsko-Biala, Minutes

WP 05:Second meeting in Vienna, April 2019. EDUCULT

  • Second meeting in Vienna, Agenda
  • Second meeting in Vienna, Minutes

WP 07: Third meeting in Ancona, September 2019. COOS

  • Third meeting in Ancona, Agenda
  • Third meeting in Ancona, Minutes

WP 10: Fourth meeting in Krakow, September 2020. FAIE

  • Fourth meeting in Cardif, Agenda
  • Fourth meeting in Cardif, Minutes

FIRST, second meeting in Vienna,  the project team