2024, French visit

French study visit

French study visit

Interfolk arranged a 6-day Erasmus+ training course,  8th - 13th og December 2024 in Middelfart and Copenhagen for a group of 7 French NGOs  from Chouf-Chouf. 

The course title was: "The Danish civil society and NGOs providing community work and lifelong learning". 

Danish NGOs from the NGO-network for international cooperation and Interfolk had been together with NGOs from Chouf-Chouf at a former Erasmus+ training course in Palamos (ES), March 2024, entitled:  "Sustainability: Social eco-literacy, think global and act local" that was provided by LearnToTeach.

About Chouf-Chouf 

The intercultural exchange is in the heart of Chouf-Chouf. The association has carried out numerous actions with intercultural exchange as a common thread: cultural exchanges, training, debate evenings, stays for the exchange of practices, internships, support for structures, etc.

Chouf-Chouf is attentive to both green global issues and local means of action, allowing to participate in the fight against the commercial and competitive societal logic, exclusion and social resignation.

Learning objectives of the training course

The overall aim for this training course was to learn about good practice of Danish NGOs providing added community values.

  • by examined and showing how voluntary work is imperative for many cultural associations and for the services they can offer to the local communities,
  • by learning about co-creative cooperation between local cultural NGOs and public cultural institutions and municipal cultural departments.

Course activities

The group of participants had rented a minibus at Copenhagen Airport and stayed at a top-modern Summer House near Foens Beach and only 15 min drive from Middelfart, placed in the middle of Denmark.

With the minibus we could easily visit varied places in Denmark, both in the second largest Danish city, Aarhus in Jutland, and the third largest city Odense on Fynen, as weel as several more local places, and the last day of the course took place in the center of Copenhagen.

However, the main part of the programme was made up of sessions and meetings with  cultural NGOs and public culture institutions in  Middelfart, both to learn about the  NGO activities and about the co-creative cooperation between the civil society associations and the local municipality and public culture institutions. 

A special bonus for the course were that it tool place in December, where the Danish Christmas traditions can be seenfor free everywhere in the streets and all private and public places.  


Both Chouf-Chouf as sending organisation and Interfolk as host were very pleased  with the course and mutual contacts, and we hope to make follow-up activities, both where Interfolk can have a training course or jobshadowing at Chouf-Chouf place at the countryside north of Marseille; and likewise  follow-up cooperation in European development project may also be possible.