2014-16, Staff training


STAFF training

Interfolk's European mobility plan for the two-year period, August 2014 - July 2016 prioritised staff training abroad for the leader of the organisation. The course plan included: 

  • 3-week English language course, May 2015 at Liverpool School of English (UK),  with focus on the use of professional terminology in the field of liberal adult education, voluntary arts and culture and civil society activities. 

  • 1-week management course, April 2016 at NSF CYBERALL ACCESS in Athens (GR), with focus on planning and manageing effectively European funded Project. 

Learning objectives

The needs of Interfolk's staff in terms of quality development and internationalisation were:

  • To improve the competences in written and spoken English language, especially the professional terminology in relation to liberal adult education, voluntary arts and culture and civil society activities;
  • To improve the competences of management of multilateral projects, especially in relation to QA, monitoring and evaluation of projects with focus on arts and culture;
  • To promote Interfolk's ability to provide new in-service training courses to the learning providers and facilitators in the huge European sector of voluntary arts and culture and with focus on new measures to develop the lifelong learning dimension.

Results and benefits

The two completed courses did develop the competences of the executive director of Interfolk,
and thereby it had an impact on the development of the international dimension of the
organisation. They

  • improved our professional English terminology in the field of liberal adult education, voluntary arts and culture and civil society activities;
  • helped to introduce new methods and approaches in planning and coordinating international project.
  • gave new inspiration to develop own European training courses in Denmark for participants from other EU countries. 

Thereby the training courses helped to improve the quality of Interfolk's international work, especially with an improved ability to plan and manage innovative multilateral development projects and trainoing courses in the civil society sector of voluntary culture and lifelong learning.  

More information:

A view to Acropolis,during Project management course, April 2016