EU projects

EU projects

EU projects 

Here follows an outline of the EU projects including links to a subsite with more information about each project:

2023 - 2024: Partner in Erasmus+ small scale project: "Micropolis 2023 - the power of strong local communities" (MICROPOLIS)

2020 – 2022: Coordinator of Erasmus+ strategic partnership: “Boost Social Inclusion in Amateur Arts and Voluntary Culture" (BOOST)

2019 - 2021: Partner in Erasmus+ strategic partnership: “Recommendations for international project managers competences recognition and validation for lifelong learning" (VALID)

2018 – 2020: Partner in Erasmus+ strategic partnership: “First-time international project realisers support network” (FIRST)

2018 – 2020. Coordinator of Erasmus+ strategic partnerships: “Co-creative cooperation in the field of culture and heritage" (CO-CREATION)

2017 - 2019: Coordinator of Erasmus+ strategic partnerships: “Bridging social capital by participatory and co-creative culture" (BRIDGING)

2017 - 2021: Applicant and member of documentation & research team at the 4-year Network project 'ARTS TAKE PART', applied by AMATEO, supported by the Creative Europe Programme, the Cultural Networks strand.

2016 - 2018: Coordinator of Erasmus+ strategic partnerships: "Curricula for culture volunteers in sparcely populated areas" (SPAR)

2013 - 2015: Coordinator of Grundtvig multilateral project: "Culture Guides for social marginalised groups" (GUIDE)

2012 - 2014: Coordinator of Grundtvig Learning partnership: "Art-based learning and active Ageing" (ART-AGE)

Septemer 2011: Coordinator of a Leonardo da Vinci, Preparatory Visit in London (UK) on how to use the Theory Of Change (TOC) methodology to plan and evaluate EU projects and to clarify a possible application for a new Leonardo development project.

2009 - 2011: Coordinator of Grundtvig multilateral project: "Learning Outcome of Amateur Culture" (LOAC).