BOOST, European Symposium, June 2022 at Tyniec Abbey, Krakow
BOOST, European Symposium, presentation by Danish team
BOOST, European Symposium, tour at Main Square, Krakow
BOOST, 2020 - 2022
Interfolk was coordinator of Erasmus+ strategic partnership for adult education: "Boost Social Inclusion in Amateur Arts and Voluntary Culture" (BOOST), September 2020 - December 2022 (28 months).
The partnership circle
6 partners from 5 countries in Northern, Eastern and Western Europe, that represent four strong national umbrellas as well as two knowledge and research centres, representing a transnational European sum of varied expertise and experiences:
FAIE - Foundations’ of Alternative Educational Initiatives (PL)
JSKD - Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (SI)
During the last years, an increased European interest in the potential of amateur arts and voluntary culture in fostering social inclusion can be witnessed. This is reflected in a range of publications and projects focussing on this interconnection (Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe report 2018; European Commission 2018; European Research Partnership on Cultural and Creative Spillovers 2019; Matarasso 2018; Culture Action Europe 2018).
Based on this data, own research, and results of the former Erasmus+ project BRIDGING, the rationale behind this new project is that amateur arts and voluntary culture enhances social inclusion. Many learning providers in the field know for the potential of their work to support social inclusion. Yet, how this can be done and what categories and practical questions need to be considered when working on this objective is often unclear.
The project BOOST aimed at empowering learning providers in the sector of amateur arts and voluntary culture to contribute to social inclusion. It supports the self-reflection of learning providers on their potential for fostering social inclusion along different dimensions and categories in form of an online Benchmark Tool; and it provides practice-oriented options for learning providers in the field on how to develop an organisation’s level of social inclusion.
Expected results and impacts
The project aimed at initiating a thorough quality development process in the sector. In the short-term perspective the project supports learning providers in their orientation and development towards a socially more inclusive work, including the initiation of new socially inclusive activities.
By these means learning providers will be enabled to define their strategy and possible activities regarding social inclusion in detail. On the long-term, we expect the project’s information provision, awareness raising as well as new possibilities for further education regarding amateur arts and voluntary culture will inspire the learning providers in the sector to be more societally engaged and to raise their efforts in social inclusion.
More information
Task plan
WP 01: Start-up project planning, September 2020. IF
WP 02: First meeting in Copenhagen, October 2020. KSD
WP 03: Baseline survey, Oct 2020 - March 2021. IF & EC
WP 04a: Design Tool, Feb - June 2021. EC
WP 04b: Test and adapt Tool, July - Nov 2021. IF
WP 04c: Publish Benchmark Tool, Dec 2021 - March 2022. JSKD
WP 05: Transnational pilot course on applying Tool in Vienna, March 2021
WP 06: Second meeting in Vienna, March 2021. EC
WP 07a: Develop practice methods, May - Oct 2021. VCC
WP 07b: Test practice methods, Nov - Dec 2021. FAIE
WP 07c: Publish practice method handbook, Jan - April 2022. KSD
WP 08: Trilateral partner meetings, June and Oct 2021.
WP 09: Four national pilot tests og methods, Nov - Dec 2021. IF
WP 10: Provide Manual for Tool and methods, Nov 2021 - July 2022. EC & IF
WP 11: Third meeting in Krakow, June 2022. FAIE
WP 12: European Symposium in Krakow, June 2022. FAIE
WP 13: Publish Symposium Compendium. VCC
WP 14: Fourth meeting in Dublin, September 2022. VCC
WP 15: Five national multiplier events, Sept - Nov 2022. IF
WP 16: Final Project Report, Dec 2022. KSD
WP 17: Transverse dissemination and website, Sept 2020 – Dec 2022. VCC
WP 18: Transverse progress and impact Evaluation, Sept 2020 – Dec 2022. KK
WP 19: Project Management, Sept 2020 – Dec 2022. KSD & IF
BOOST, online meeting for the project team
BOOST, pilot work at the Slovenian partner, JSKD
BOOST, Creative Lives concluding conference, November
2022 in Dublin in Europe House
BOOST, Creative Lives concluding conference, November
2022 in Dublin in Europe House
BOOST, Creative workshop by JSKD during pilot work
WP 03: Baseline surveys
WP 04: Design the Benchmarking Tool
WP 06: Seminar in Vienna about using tools in participatory culture
WP 07: Develop Practice Methods
WP 07: Videos about practice methods
WP 10: Manual for using the Benchmarking Tool and Practice methods
WP 12: European Symposium in Kraków
Partner meetings
WP 02: First meeting in Copenhagen, Oct 2020
WP 06: Second meeting in Vienna, March 2021
WP 11: Third meeting in Krakow, June 2022
WP 14: Fourth meeting in Dublin, September 2022
BOOST, fourth meeting, lunch at Brother Hubbard, Dublin,