2023 - 2024, MICROPOLIS


Micropolis, opening af conference, 13th June 2023  in

Warsaw, by project coordinator, Gosia Smoczyńska

Micropolis, second meeting in Cagliari, the project team

Micropolis, third meeting at Culture Island, Middelfart 

MICROPOLIS, May 2023 - September 2024

Interfolk was partner in the Erasmus+ development project: "“Micropolis 2023 - the power of strong, inclusive identity and local relations”, May 2023 - September. 

The partnership circle

included three  organisations from three EU countries:

Background and objectives

The name "Mikropolis" is used to describe a district or city that has successfully created a strong, inclusive local identity and active participation of residents, so that they function like the old "polis" - the democratic and inclusive local community where everyone is involved.

The three key objectives were to promote:

  • Powerful inclusive identity of a given place – based on the diversity of all residents, their unique talents and stories, aware of the richness of their own unique resources and allowing all residents to identify with a given place, regardless of their age, origin, fitness or financial status.
  • Strong local bonds among the neighbors and organizations that enable mutual support in the face of difficulties and problems, regular listening to the needs of the community and sharing resources (such as time, ideas, talents, knowledge, digital, linguistic, business skills, mental and material support) to help people in crisis.
  • Active participation of residents in the life of the community – joint creation of local space, culture and education, the possibility of implementing original projects and initiatives, triggering a sense of agency and innovation.

More information

Task plan


WP 01: Creation of a logo and website, May - June 2023. WCC

WP 02: Provide local case studies, Primo 2023. All

WP 03: First partner meeting and conference in Warsaw, Medio June. WCC

WP 04: Summary of the Meetings effects, Ultimo June. WCC


WP 05: Research with guidelines, July - September 2023. All 

WP 06: Second partner meeting and conference in Cagliari,  October 2023. CNN

WP 07: Summary of the Meetings effects, Ultimo October 2023. CNN


WP 08: Implement and report pilot work, Nov 2023 - April 2024. All

WP 09: Third partner meeting in Middelfart, May 2024. Interfolk

WP 10: Summary of the Meetings effects, Ultimo May 2024. Interfolk

WP 11: Creation of Guidebook, May - August 2024. WCC


WP 12: Dissemination and multiplier events, Aug - Sept 2024. All

WP 13:  Provide final project Report, Septeber 2024. WCC


WP 14: Project management, May 2023 - September  2024

Micropolis, third meeting, visit to Middelfart's Town Hall with a presentation by Steen Møller, Head of Culture and Leisure

Micropolis, third meeting, visit to Lillebælt shipyard at Middelfart Old Harbour

Micropolis, first meeting in Warsaw, idea workshops

Micropolis, first meeting, excursion in Wawer district

Micropolis, third meeting,  presentation of the Tow  Path 


WP 02: Provide local case studies, Primo 2023. All

    WP 03: Presentations at conference in Warsaw, Medio June. WCC

    WP 05: Research with guidelines, July - September 2023. All

    WP 08: Implement and report pilot work, Nov 2023 - April 2024. All

    WP 11:Creation of Guidebook, May - August 2024. WCC

    WP 12: Concluding online conference, September 2024

    Partner meetings

    WP 03: First partner meeting and conference inWarsaw, Medio June. WCC

    WP 06: Second partner meeting and conference in Cagliari, October 2023. CNN

    WP 06: Third meeting in Middelfart, May 2024

    Micropolis, second meeting in Cagliari, museum visit

    Micropolis, First meeting in Warsaw, the project team

    Micropolis, second meeting in Cagliari, the project team

    Micropolis, third meeting in Middelfart, some of the project team  members at  Bridge Walking