CO-CREATE, European Seminar, Sept 2019 in Copenhagen
CO-CREATE, European Seminar, Sept 2019 in Copenhagen
CO-CREATE, European Seminar, Sept 2019 in Copenhagen
CO-CREATE, European Seminar, Sept 2019 in Copenhagen
CO-CREATION, 2018 - 2020
Interfolk was coordinator of an Erasmus+ strategic partnership for adult education, entitled:
"Co-creative cooperation in the field of culture and heritage" (CO-CREATE), September 2028 - January 2020 (17 months)
The concept of "co-creation" has the last years been on the political agenda of the municipalities, both in Denmark and other Western European and Nordic countries. Although the idea of "co-creation" builds on earlier experiences of collaboration and user Involvement, it goes further by focusing on empowerment and the 'transformative potential' of a co-creative cross-sector collaboration.
Aim and key activities
The aim is to compile good practise and innovative approaches for a co-creative cooperation between volunteers and professionals in culture associations, public culture institutions and culture departments of the municipalities that promote the 'transformative potential' of new public governance and the goal of creative empowerment.
The key activities and outputs were during the three main phases:
- Desk research and feed from reference groups on state of the Arts
- Publish Summery Survey Report, English PDF-ed
- Develop Curricula Guidelines and exemplary course packages
- Design and test three national pilot curses
- Design and test one transnational pilot course
- Publish Curricula Compendia, English PDF-ed.
Disseminate and valorise
- Launch the project Portal at the start of the project and keep it updated.
- Complete national 1-day seminars in each partner country.
- Provide a sustainable dissemination, incl. new Erasmus+ courses after end of the project.
The planned outcome was to promote a co-creative cooperation between public institutions and civil society associations in the local communities, based on equal terms, where citizens and other civil society actors are engaged not only as co-implementers, but also as co-initiators and co-designers of new welfare services, especially in the field of culture and leisure activities.
The partnership circle
included four organisations from three EU countries, incl.:
The Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland (FI)
Task plan: Sept 2018 - Jan 2020
WP 01: Start-up project planning, Sept 2012
WP 02: First meeting in Vienna, Oct 2018
WP 03: State of Arts survey and publish Compendia, Oct 2018 - Feb 2019
WP 04: Second meeting in Helsinki, March 2019
WP 05: Develop curricula and examplaru course packages, March - April 2019
WP 06: Test curricula with three national pilot courses, April - June 2019
WP 07: Test curricula with European pilot course, Sept 2029 in Copenhagen
WP 08: Third meeting in Copenhagen, Sept 2019
WP 09: Evaluate pilot courses and publish Curricula Report, Sept - Nov 2019
WP 10: National multiplier events, Nov 2019
WP 11: Final dissemination and exploitation of results, Nov 2019 - Jan 2020
WP 12: Ongoing dissemination incl. project website, Sept 2018 – Jan 2020
WP 13: Monitoring and evaluation, Sept 2018 – Jan 2020
WP 14: Project coordination, Sept 2018 – Jan 2020
CO-CREATE, Presentation by Per Lunde Lauridsen at European Seminar, Sept 2019 in Copenhagen
CO-CREATE, Presentation by Helle Bertram at European Seminar, Sept 2019 in Copenhagen
CO-CREATE, European Seminar, Sept 2019 in Copenhagen
CO-CREATE, European Seminar, Sept 2019 in Copenhagen
WP 01: Start-up management
WP 03: State of Arts survey
WP 05: Develop curricula
WP 07: European seminar in Copenhagen, Oct 2019
WP 09: Curricula Report
WP 10: National multiplier events
Partner meetings
WP 02:First meeting in Vienna, Austria, October 2018
WP 04:Second meeting in Helsinki, March 2019
WP 06: Third meeting in Copenhagen, September 2019
CO-CREATE, first meeting in Vienna, session at EDUCULT
FIRST, second meeting in Vienna, session at EDUCULT