Erasmus+ mobility
Interfolk has received Erasmus+ mobility grants and been sending organisation for training courses abroad for our staff, and Interfolk has also been host organisation and course provider for NGO-groups from other EU countries. Below are links to the varied mobility activities:
December 2024: Host and course provider in Middelfart and Copenhagen for a 5-day Erasmus+ training course, entitled:"The Danish civil society and NGOs providing community work and lifelong learning". For a group of 7 French NGOs from Chouf-Chouf, located north of Marseille.
May 2024: Host and course provider in Askov for a 4-day Erasmus+ training course, entitled: "Good practice of Danish NGOs providing community work and lifelong learning”. For 8 Hungarian NGOs from the Folk High School Association Surrounding Budapest.
2022 – 2023: Coordinator of Erasmus+ mobility project,: " Added community values in culture associations (COMMUNITY), including 30 mobilities to respectively Santiago de Compostella (ES), Padova (IT), Palamos (ES), Lofoten (NO) Husavik (IS) and Lund (SE).
2020 - 2022: Coordinator of Erasmus+ mobility project: "Promote social inclusion with participatory culture" (BRIDGES), including 30 mobilities to respectively Ljubjana (SI), Budapest (HU), Dublin (IE), Vienna (AT), and Pireaus (GR).
2019 - 2020: Coordinator of Erasmus+ mobility project: "Cultural sustainability in sparsely populated areas with added community values" (ADD), including 15 mobilities to Vilnius (LT) and Rite (LV) and Pireaus (GR)
Sept 2015: Host and course provider in Copenhagen for an Erasmus+ staff training course:" Lifelong learning in amateur art and voluntary culture". For an Islandic group from Cultural Council of Northeast Iceland.
2015 - 2016: Coordinator for the European Network of voluntary arts and culture associations (EVA), providing new Erasmus+ training courses for the associations in the network.
2014 - 2016: Coordinator for Erasmus+ KA1-mobility project: "Staff training ", including courses in Athens (GR) and Liverpool (UK).