Interfolk, Institute for Civil Society is a Danish non-governmental association and private research institute, founded in 2008 with office in the old habour city, Middelfart, bridging Funen and Jutland.
Interfolk is based on individuals sharing an interest in the Nordic Grundtvigian tradition of liberal adult education as well as the wider European pedagogical traditions of Bildung and Enlightenment.
The activities include research, surveys and development projects, seminars and debate, and other cultural activities in a Danish, Nordic, and European context.
Interfolk has been involved as coordinator or partner in more than 40 international projects related to informal and non-formal lifelong learning in the areas of liberal adult education, participatory culture and heritage, and most have been about the added community values of livelong learning and culture activities in a civil society context.
The Board
The Board of three to five members is elected at the ordinary annual meeting for a term of one year.
The Board elects the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, and the Head of Institute participates in the meetings as secretary. The Board makes decisions by meetings, telephone meetings or by procedure of writing.
Niels Ole Frederiksen, chairman
Tlf. (+45) 29 24 00 62
Mail: nielsolefrederiksen1@gmail.com
Marie Evers, deputy chairman
Tlf. (+45) 29 24 00 46
Mail: marieevers809@gmail.com
Bente von Schindel, member
Tlf. (+45) 29 64 70 40
Mail: benteschindel@webspeed.dk
Hans Jørgen Vodsgaard, Head of Institute
Tlf. (+45) 51 300 320
Mail: hjv@interfolk.dk